Mukhtar Robow: The Dark Horse of 2011 The heyday of the Fez-wearing sheikh-lords is over. The International Community and donors seemingly acknowledged their shortcomings, seeing clearly that the creation of Sheikh Sharif`s Administration was a messy and hurried affair. More and more donors are turning their backs on Sheikh Sharif`s Administration. To begin with, the International Community has mistakenly accepted the face value of the self-justifying arguments of the Fez-wearing sheikh-lords. However, Somalis knew that these sheikhs` �Islamic Courts� were thinly disguised vehicles for the continued dominance of their clans over its rivals. From 2006-2008, Sheikh Sharif, as the leader of the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), urged Somalis to refrain from assisting President Abdullahi Yusuf`s regime. Sheikh Sharif frequently referred to Yusuf as an �Ethiopian collaborator�. He called on Somalis to oppose Ethiopian and AMISOM troops in �I urge people of Puntland to confront (President) Abdullahi Yusuf`s plans to revive the 1990 civil war (between the Hawiye clan of Mogadishu against the Darood clan of President Yusuf) �No one is challenging Abdullahi Yusuf`s presidency. And I am telling him to spare his people and work on how to bring Somalis together. You should know that Ethiopian troops cannot defend you,� said Sharif� �those Somalis who are collaborating with (Meles), while I am very sorry about it, I am telling them to keep away from him. Nothing Meles is doing will bring you or your country any good. Someone who wants to capture your country, what kind of benefits does he hold for you? A person destroying your country, killing your people and religion, what is he doing for you? Nothing at all. Under his leadership, the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) incited further violence in southern The irony is the man who once uttered such pompous speeches is now the President of Somalia and close friend of Are They Still in Love? In the middle of 2008, when the governments and organizations that were piece and parcel of forming a Somali Transitional Federal Government saw their efforts and projects end in failure, a new scheme was devised. This new scheme was to engage the religious factions that had spread like wildfire on the Somali political scene in the past twenty years since the demise of the Central government. Thus, the top leadership of the Somali Government were offered to some members of those religious factions. The International Community believed that by including and giving the top leadership role to the moderate Islamists it will have a credible partner in Unfortunately, it is a well known fact that, in the last two years, the Shabaab movement in UNPOS, IGAD, and AU must admit something many of them still deny: since the formation of Sheikh Sharif`s Administration, their importance in the eyes of Somalis has dropped dramatically. Their tendency to tolerate the sins of the new Fez-wearing rulers as trivial compared with the sins of the former (Abdullahi Yusuf) led to curious double standards in both local and the international arena. They further have to face the unpleasant fact that AMISOM forces in This is a time of uncertainties between UNPOS/IGAD/AU offices and Sheikh Sharif; and both sides have doubts about their future cooperation. Fearing being betrayed, Sheikh Sharif and his Fez-wearing team might be asking themselves: what if the International Community was to engage the younger and restless Shabaabs as partners? On the other hand, Donor countries also ask themselves: why are things the same? And why have the Shabaabs emerged on the international scene and became a new �global� Jihadists? The beginnings of an answer has probably already unfolded. Betting Game Nowadays, the formation of a Somali central government has became a betting game in which a small core of stakeholders (neighboring countries) reduced the destiny of Somali people as a �betting for fun� game. Probably, these stakeholders have already endorsed their 2011 dark horse that is staking claim to the government`s seat of power. Since betting is along predictable line, Biyokulule Online also forecasts the 2011 dark horse. Biyokulule predicts a new vertical chain of command in 2011, emanating from the already strained relations within the Shabaabs. Surely, the �dark horse� will illuminate from those Shabaab rival flanks that are now repudiating each other, on the grounds that the other does not represent the �true� path of Islam. Although there are various flanks within the Shabaab movement(s), our pick is Sheikh Mukhtar Robow (aka Abu Mansur). We are aware of facing with the absurd task of patching together a credible profile for him, from the career of a jihadist who gets tired and runs away from being a �global� jihadist. Nevertheless, we put forward some of Abu Mansur`s lyrical oratory or media coverage that exhibits his high profile political drama: MYM Spokesman Eulogizes Senior Al-Qa`ida Leader On 2 February, a jihadist website posted a statement issued by the spokesman of the Mujahidin Youth Movement, Abu Mansur, in which he eulogized Abu-al-Layth al-Libi, a senior leader of the Al-Qa`ida organization. The statement was attributed to the In the interview, Shaykh Abu-Mansur talks about the progress of the jihad in Who Are al-Shabaab`s Leaders? The group communicates very little and has no clear hierarchy. Nevertheless, a number of commanders have asserted themselves. Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubair has been at the top since 2007, but it has been during the past two years, as Al-Shabaab has moved in the direction of jihadism, that he has gained importance. This native of Somaliland (the country`s northern region), 32, is called �emir,� a title borrowed from Islamist terminology. Sheikh Mukhtar Robow, who served in �We know that An Al Shabab connection? While there is the potential for these two conflicts to become �increasingly intertwined,� as Shabab senior commander Muqtar Robow claimed recently Somali Shabab fighters were leaving to help Islamists fight the government in When Washington added al-Shabab to its terrorism list last year, the decision was welcomed by one of the movement`s leaders. �Al-Shabab feels honoured to be included on the list. We are good Muslims and the Americans are infidels � we are on the right path,� Sheikh Muktar Robow told the BBC. [Read More] �We repelled the local militias who tried to stop the light of the Islam religion,� said an Islamist commander and spokesman, Sheikh Muktar Robow. �We aim to implement Islamic Sharia (law) in the country and any force that tries to stop (us) will regret� it, added the spokesman, a leader of the Shabab organization, the military wing of the Islamic Courts Union which briefly controlled large parts of Somalia in 2006. [Read More] [Abu Mansur says]: The Mujahidin attacked a base belonging to the apostates who work with the Ethiopians and [President] Abdullahi Yusuf in Daynunaay. The Mujahidin took over the camp and sentenced the apostates according to the laws of Allah by beheading them, thanks to Allah. [Words in distinct] I would like to respond to [words in distinct] saying the Mujahidin are not in Baydhabo and surrounding areas. Ask Shino Ma`alin Nur [Deputy governor of Bay Region] whether the Mujahidin took control of Daynunaay last night. [Read More] Abu-al-Zubayr [Godane] is regarded as the first openly acknowledged amir of the new organization, which confined itself a few months ago to the appointment of Moukhtar Robow (Abu-Mansur), another Al-Qa`ida-affiliated figure, as its official spokesman. Abu-Mansur declined to answer Al-Sharq al-Awsat`s question about the significance of appointing an amir of the Mujahidin Youth Movement at this time in particular. [Read More] A Somali maxim says: �Boqol-u-taliye boqol ulood buu leeyahay�; and as we know that those that are covertly involved in Somali Affairs have many sticks (i.e. collaborators), and that they choose among those that were recently being hit. It is a fact that the UIC was contained with the help of some of its top leaders, which precipitated the decline and collapse of that organization. It is thus possible that the same fate awaits the Mujahidin Youth Movement and that this faction will be severely hit with the stick of collaborators, that will be among the chosen to lead. In the first place, we know that nine Somali individuals are on the 1) Yasin Ali Baynah 2) Hasan Dahir Aweys 3) Hasan Abdullah Hersi al-Turki 4) Bashir Mohamed Mahamoud 5) Ahmed Abdi aw-Mohamed (al Godane) 6) Fuad Mohamed Khalaf (Shongole) 7) Mohamed Sa`id �Atom� 8) Abshir Abdullahi 9) Mohamed Abdi Garaad Quibble with US and UN Terrorism Watch List It took some pondering before it occurred to us that the above observation raises, at least, few questions that will allow our readers to open for further inquiry and debate. Here in this small contribution, we want only to try to place these questions, however sketchily, within their historical framework. The questions that beg answers and for which we can not find any, knowing fully well that Mukhtar Robow (Abu Mansur) has time and again stated both in writing and in person that he supports Al-Qaida and that he is an extremist, are as follows: Why has Mukhtar Robow not been added to the Why is Mohamed Said Atom included on that list even though there are no proofs against him as is the case for Mukhtar Robow (wearing military outfit on video and threatening the West)? Are the UN and the Or could it simply be because the International Community wants/is grooming Mukhtar Robow as the future President of Somalia? Biyokulule Online, predicts that if Robow does not become the top leader of If that is the case, then the US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs` speech, regarding the dual track approach for What is questionable is why certain individuals, such as Mohamed Said Atom, are on the Terrorism watch list, whereas others, such as Mukhtar Robow are being groomed for the top leadership role in The questions asked above are those that many Somalis repeatedly ask each other. It remains to be seen what will happen in August 2011, when it is time for the West to change its stick. Biyokulule Online Editorial Mukhtar Robow: Madaxweynaha Mustaqbalka December 2008, markii uu soo afmeermay, fashilna ku dhamaaday mashruucyadii Dowladaha iyo Hay`adaha daneeya Arrimaha Soomaaliya ee dowlad-dhisid, ayaa waxaa soo ifbaxday qorsho cusub (new scheme). Qorshahaasi cusubi waxa uu noqday in Xukuumadda dalka (Somali Government) ay hoggaanka sare buuxiyaan qolyo ka soo jeeda ururada diimaha ee dalka Soomaaliya, oo labaatankii sano ee u dambeeyey sidii dabka ugu faafayey dalka. Hay`adaha Caalamiga ah (International Community) waxay is tuseen in haddii la soo dhaweeyo, loona caleemo saaro hoggaanka sare ee dalka wadaado qunyar-socod ah (moderates), walow wadaadadan mar lagu tirin jiray inay yihiin xagjir (extremists). Bilowgii 2009-kii ayaa hoggaanka dalka ay wareegeen wadaadan qunyar-socodka ah. Waxaana dalka madaxweyne ka noqday Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, oo ahaa hoggaamiyihii Union of Islamic Courts (ICU). Baarlamaankii dalkana waa laba jibaarmay, oo in ka badan 200 oo wadaado ah ayaa lagu soo biiriyey. Waxaa xusid mudan, markii Sheikh Sharif uu hayey hoggaanka ICU, waxaa Warbaahinta Caalamiga (International Media) ku sifeeyeen ficilka iyo hadallada Sheikh Sharif mid aad xagjir u ah. Hadallada Sheikh Sharif na waxaa ka mid ahaa: �those Somalis who are collaborating with (Meles), while I am very sorry about it, I am telling them to keep away from him. Nothing Meles is doing will bring you or your country any good. Someone who wants to capture your country, what kind of benefits does he hold for you? A person destroying your country, killing your people and religion, what is he doing for you? Nothing at all. Waxaa Sheikh Sharif mar walba uu xusuusin jiray Soomaalida in laga fogaado in xiriir soke lala yeesho Xukuumadda Maanta se waanu ognahay in Mar haddii mashruuca dalalka dersika nala ah (IGAD) iyo Hay`adaha Caalamiga (UNPOS, UNDP, WFP etc) ay noqotay in qolyaha �xagjirka� ah, sida Mujahidin Youth Movement, lagula dagaalami karo oo keliya iyada oo loo adeegsado dowlad ay horboodayaan wadaado qunyar-socod ah. Hase yeeshee, casharradii laga bartay labadii sano ee uu hoggaanka hayey wadaadadan qunyar-socodka ah ayaa qasbeysa inaan mar kale odorosno cidda ay soo wataan Hay`adaha Caalamiga ah. Waxaa muuqata in dowladdii Sheikh Sharif ayba ka sii liidato tii ka horreysay; oo hadda waxaa dowladdiisa loogu magac daray �Somalia`s Vatican State�, oo loola jeedo dowlad ka arrimisa dhowr xaafadood ee ku yaal Mogadishu. Waxaa dadka qaarkiisba ay leeyihiin, dowladda cusub ee bishan la soo dhisay inay dooneyso inay sumacadda dowladda soo celiso, isku daydana inay la darajo noqoto dowladda dalka Monaco (Monte carlo), oo ka talisa dhul baaxaddiisa qiyaastii ah 2 km2. Si kastaba ahaate, Madaxweyne Sharif wuxuu Xilka ugu egyahay August 2011. Waxaana warbaahinta gudaha iyo Diaspora-haba aad ku arkeysaa qoraallo iyo xayeysiin ku saabsan Madaxweynaha Mustaqbalka (Presidential Hopeful) ee Biyokulule Online oo ka qeyb qaadaneysa saadaasha ayaa waxa ay si kooban hoos ugu soo bandhigeysaa waxa Warbaahinta Caalamiga ay ka qoreen Sheikh Mukhtar Robow (Abu Mansur) oo ka mid ah xubnaha ugu firfircoon ururka Shabaab (Mujahidin Youth Movement), oo ka taliya inta badan koonfurta Soomaaliya. Waxyaabaha warbaahinta ay ka soo tebiyeen, maqal iyo muuqaalba, iyo waxa ay ka yidhaahdeen Mukhtar Robow oo xigasho kooban (wadata links) ayaan hoos idiin ku soo bandhigeynaa: MYM Spokesman Eulogizes Senior Al-Qa`ida Leader On 2 February, a jihadist website posted a statement issued by the spokesman of the Mujahidin Youth Movement, Abu Mansur, in which he eulogized Abu-al-Layth al-Libi, a senior leader of the Al-Qa`ida organization. The statement was attributed to the In the interview, Shaykh Abu-Mansur talks about the progress of the jihad in Who Are al-Shabaab`s Leaders? The group communicates very little and has no clear hierarchy. Nevertheless, a number of commanders have asserted themselves. Sheikh Mukhtar Abu Zubair has been at the top since 2007, but it has been during the past two years, as Al-Shabaab has moved in the direction of jihadism, that he has gained importance. This native of Somaliland (the country`s northern region), 32, is called �emir,� a title borrowed from Islamist terminology. Sheikh Mukhtar Robow, who served in �We know that An Al Shabab connection? While there is the potential for these two conflicts to become �increasingly intertwined,� as Shabab senior commander Muqtar Robow claimed recently Somali Shabab fighters were leaving to help Islamists fight the government in When Washington added al-Shabab to its terrorism list last year, the decision was welcomed by one of the movement`s leaders. �Al-Shabab feels honoured to be included on the list. We are good Muslims and the Americans are infidels � we are on the right path,� Sheikh Muktar Robow told the BBC. [Read More] �We repelled the local militias who tried to stop the light of the Islam religion,� said an Islamist commander and spokesman, Sheikh Muktar Robow. �We aim to implement Islamic Sharia (law) in the country and any force that tries to stop (us) will regret� it, added the spokesman, a leader of the Shabab organization, the military wing of the Islamic Courts Union which briefly controlled large parts of Somalia in 2006. [Read More] [Abu Mansur says]: The Mujahidin attacked a base belonging to the apostates who work with the Ethiopians and [President] Abdullahi Yusuf in Daynunaay. The Mujahidin took over the camp and sentenced the apostates according to the laws of Allah by beheading them, thanks to Allah. [Words in distinct] I would like to respond to [words in distinct] saying the Mujahidin are not in Baydhabo and surrounding areas. Ask Shino Ma`alin Nur [Deputy governor of Bay Region] whether the Mujahidin took control of Daynunaay last night. [Read More] Abu-al-Zubayr [Godane] is regarded as the first openly acknowledged amir of the new organization, which confined itself a few months ago to the appointment of Moukhtar Robow (Abu-Mansur), another Al-Qa`ida-affiliated figure, as its official spokesman. Abu-Mansur declined to answer Al-Sharq al-Awsat`s question about the significance of appointing an amir of the Mujahidin Youth Movement at this time in particular. [Read More] Maahmaah (Maxim) ayaa oraneysa �Boqol-u-taliye Boqol ulood buu leeyahay�, oo waan ognahay in dalalka sida dadban faraha ugula jira Arrimaha Somalia (Somali Affairs) in ay sitaan ulo farabadan (i.e. collaborators), oo ay xitaa ulahaasi ay kala soo baxaan mar walba kuwa ay wax yar ka hor ku garaacayeen. Waa xaqiiq jirta in Maxaakiimta (UIC) lagu garaacay kuwo (ulo) iyaga hoggaankooda sare ka mid ahaa. Taana ay keentay in ururkaasi la wiiqay oo lakala jajabshay. Haddaba, Waxaa iyana hubaal ah inay dhici karto in Xarrakada Shabaab ay iyana ulaha (collaborators) lagu qaraaci doono laga soo dhex saaran doono. Waa marka koowaadee, waan ognahay inay 9 Somali individuals are in US and UN Terrorism list. Kuwaasi oo kala ah: 1) Yasin Ali Baynah 2) Hasan Dahir Aweys 3) Hasan Abdullah Hersi al-Turki 4) Bashir Mohamed Mahamoud 5) Ahmed Abdi aw-Mohamed (al Godane) 6) Fuad Mohamed Khalaf (Shongole) 7) Mohamed Sa`id �Atom� 8) Abshir Abdullahi 9) Mohamed Abdi Garaad Su`aalaha madaxa daalinaya waxaa weeye (anoo og in Mukhtar Robow, Abu Mansur, uu si cad ugu yidhi, iyadoo maqal iyo muuqaalba ah, in uu taageersan yahay al-Qaacida, yahayna xagjir (extremist): Maxaa Mukhtar Robow Terrorism list-ka UN-ta iyo Maxaa Mohamed Said ATOM oo aan laga haynin caddeymo sida Ma UN and Mise Roobow waxaa loo wadaa Madaxweynaha Mustaqbalka? Biyokulule Online waxay saadaalineysaa in haddiiba uusan ka mid noqon hoggaanka sare (president) ee dalka uu ugu yaraan buuxin doono boosaska golaha wasiirada (cabinet), waqti aanan sidaasi u fogeyn. Haddi ay taasi dhacdana waxaa fari ay ku godon tahay hadalkii bishii hore ka soo yeeray Johnnie Carson, Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arimaha Dibada Maraykanka U qaabilsan Qaarada Africa, oo sheegay in siyaasadda dalkiisa uu ka tallaabsanayo hadda uu yahay xeelad ah dual track approach (code name for double standard approach). Waxaa su`aal weyn ay ka taagantahay maxaa shaqsiyaadka qaarkiis, sida Mohamed said ATOM, loogu hayaa liiska argagaxisada, kuwa ay ka mid yihiinna Mukhtar Robow loogu groom-gareenayaa inay hoggaanka dalka hantaan? Su`aalahaasi dusha aan ku xusnay waa su`aalo dad farabadan oo Soomaali ah ay mar walba iswediiyaan. Waxaanu sugnaaba waa August 2011, oo ah waqtiga la filayo in �boqol-u-taliyuhu� (The West) uu usha badalanayo. Biyokulule Online Editorial