Somali Islamists vow to attack seat of parliament
[Presenter] Al-Shabab said they made some gains in last night`s attack on Daynunaay, Bay Region. The town`s administration also spoke on the attacks. Abdirahman Yusuf has more details [Yusuf] The spokesman for Al-Shabab, Shaykh Muqtar Robow Abu Mansur, speaking to [Abu Mansur] The Mujahidin attacked a base belonging to the apostates who work with the Ethiopians and [President] Abdullahi Yusuf in Daynunaay. The Mujahidin took over the camp and sentenced the apostates according to the laws of Allah by beheading them, thanks to Allah.[Words in distinct] I would like to respond to [words in distinct] saying the Mujahidin are not in Baydhabo and surrounding areas. Ask Shino Ma`alin Nur [Deputy governor of Bay Region] whether the Mujahidin took control of Daynunaay last night. [Yusuf] The district commissioner of Daynunaay, Mahmud Issac also confirmed to Shabeelle that heavy fighting took place in the town and added that a government soldier was killed. He refrained from confirming or denying whether Al-Shabab took control of the town but said fighting in the town affected the local administration. He also said two drivers were injured in the town. According to the Daynunaay`s district commissioner, calm has returned to the town and TFG forces are currently present in the district. Three days ago, Al-Shabab attacked Baydhabo with mortars, the first attack since the TFG backed by Ethiopian troops moved into Source: Radio Shabeelle, � 2008 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Somali MP says no functioning government in country [Presenter] A member of the Somali parliament has said there is currently no functional government in [Haji] Yusuf Muhammad Qeyre, an MP at the Somali parliament, speaking to Shabeelle on telephone last night from Baydhabo, Bay Region where the parliament is based, said there is no functional government in He said President Abdullahi Yusuf, and Prime Minister Nur Adde are responsible for the chaos and rampant insecurity in the country as they both use the police and military as they wish which does not make sense. He said there are no ministers and assistant ministers in government who perform their duties as expected. The MP said it was important that the parliament addresses these issues and gives a directive accordingly. [Passage omitted-Repetition] Source: Radio Shabeelle, � 2008 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved.