Mujahidin Youth Movement Spokesman Eulogizes Senior Al-Qa'ida Leader MYM Spokesman Eulogizes Senior Al-Qa'ida Leader On 2 February, a jihadist website posted a statement issued by the spokesman of the Mujahidin Youth Movement, Abu Mansur, in which he eulogized Abu-al-Layth al-Libi, a senior leader of the Al-Qa'ida organization. The statement was attributed to the A translation of the statement follows: "In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful "Praise be to God. We thank Him and ask for His help and forgiveness. We seek God's protection against our own evil and against our misdeeds. Whomsoever God guides nobody can lead astray and whomsoever He allows to go astray, nobody can guide. We bear witness that there is no God but one God, Who has no partner, and we bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger, peace and prayers be upon him, his family, and companions. "To the amir of the faithful and leaders of the mujahidin. "To all the steadfast stationed in various fields. "To those who carry their lives on the palms of their hands to defend the religion. "To all of those who fulfilled the call to jihad in support of their religion and in defense of their creed. "To the heroes of the Al Qa'ida organization; leaders and soldiers. "God Almighty said, 'But do not think of those that have been slain in God's cause as dead. Nay, they are alive! With their Sustainer have they their sustenance, exulting in that martyrdom which God has bestowed upon them out of His bounty. And they rejoice in the glad tiding given to those of their brethren who have been left behind and have not yet joined them, that no fear need they have, and neither shall they grieve: they rejoice in the glad tiding of God's blessings and bounty, and in the promise that God will not fail to requite the believers.' (Koranic verses; Al-Imran 3:169-171) "God Almighty forbade us in this verse (the previous verse) to think that the martyrs are dead and declared that they are alive finding their sustenance in the presence of their lord, and they are happy rejoicing in His bounties and He has favored them by His gracious bounties and rewards. Martyrdom is an honor to us and the happy are those whom God blessed with martyrdom. "We say to our mujahidin brothers everywhere, although Abu-al-Layth al-Libi was killed as a martyr, God willing, he was destined to die. God Almighty said, 'Every human being is bound to taste death. (Koranic verse; Al Ankabut 29:57). He left behind a heritage of knowledge and heroism. Many martyrs graduated through him and many careless people were guided to the right path because of him. "My God have mercy on the courageous knight and grant him heaven; congratulations on your martyrdom. "If we are victorious, we earned it by honor and dignity and if we are killed we are content in heaven. "Our last supplication Praise be to God, Lord of all creation. "Spokesman of the Mujahidin Youth Movement