Al-Shabab releases video of man who targeted former president People walk past a car that exploded in the southern town of Baidoa, 155 miles (249 km) northwest of Somalia`s capital Mogadishu, September 18, 2006. A car bomb killed five people and wounded several others outside parliament in Somalia`s provincial capital Baidoa in an assassination attempt on President Abdullahi Yusuf. BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE. REUTERS/Stringe The Al-Shabab Movement has for the first time released a video of the man that targeted former President, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad, with suicide attacks on 18 September 2006. The spokesman for Al-Shabab, Ali Mahmud Rage, Abu Mansur and Al-Amrika are seen in the video in which the beginning shows the man who carried out the suicide attacks in Baydhabo. The video which runs for 27 minutes shows Abdisalan Hirsi Mahmud Lugey who was the first Somali man to carry out suicide attacks smiling and while in training. The video also shows a party held for the children whose fathers carried out suicide attacks in Abu Mansur Al-Amriki urged the mothers of the children to raise them on the path of jihad so that they too can follow their fathers. The children were also shown pictures of Abu Mus`ab Al-Zarqawi and Adan Hashi Ayrow and were given plastic guns and pistols meant to encourage them to use. This is the first time that Al-Shabab has released the video of the first Somali man to have carried out suicide attacks in the country. Click here to watch the video: http://www.megavideo.com/?v=466C63BC � Compiled and distributed by Somali Islamists Reject US Accusations of Suicide Order
The Islamists, some of whom are suspected of links with Osama bin Laden`s Al-Qaeda network, said the �baseless warning� from �We know that �Islam does not harm people,� he told AFP. �The warnings issued by the American embassy are baseless and we never attack neighboring countries.� � On Thursday, the �These threats specifically mention the execution of suicide explosions in prominent landmarks within Embassy officials said the warning was prompted by postings on Somali websites purported to come from Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, the Islamists` supreme leader, in which he authorizes suicide attacks in Aweys, a hardline cleric designated a �terrorist� by the He has in the past denied any connection to terrorism and rejected The It also comes the Islamists and the government gird for war after the collapse of peace talks in BOTh Earlier this year, a covert US program to support Somali warlords battling the Islamists for control of The Islamists have since rapidly expanded their territory to include most of southern and central (Description of Source: Paris AFP (World Service) in English -- world news service of the independent French news agency Agence France Presse) � Compiled and distributed by Somali Rebels Resort to Suicide Attacks
Report by Jean-Philippe Remy: �Suicide Attacks, New Weapon of War of the Islamist Rebels in It took a few minutes to understand where the powerful explosion came from that early in the afternoon of Tuesday, 24 April shook the area around the Ambassador Hotel, where political and security officials of the Somali Transition Federal Government (TFG) were staying. Only a tiny pile of smoldering ashes remained of the car parked not far away a quarter of an hour earlier. The nearby guards, lightly wounded, said �two men� got out of the Toyota Mark II �who took care to lock the doors before calmly leaving.� The car was loaded with explosives with a remote-activated detonation device. As the Ethiopian forces, supported by their TFG allies, continued to fight the As the trucks were leaving after having turned around, the It was not a suicide attack, unlike the one that took place a few hours earlier at Afgoye, 30 kilometers from As the second phase of the battle of At least four suicide attacks have taken place in a country where just recently people were asserting that tradition prohibits this type of practice. At least one of the suicide bombers involved in these attacks was Somali, as testified by the video clip produced with elaborate effects circulating in Aden Salat Aden is filmed explaining his action, praying, shaving his beard to avoid attracting attention, before boarding a four-wheel drive vehicle on which the roof rack was covered with a mattress like the vehicles of displaced persons fleeing the city. A choir celebrates his action, singing �He is going to paradise,� as he drives toward El Arfit (�The Devil`s Well�), an Ethiopian base in northern Mogadishu. The camera films the detonation and a huge plume of smoke rising into the sky. According to a source close to the rebels, �there was a list of 10 candidates who are prepared for martyrdom. A lottery had to be organized to know who would be the first among them.� Other sources report the existence of a small brigade of martyrs finishing their training, which reportedly also includes foreigners. Credit for some of these suicide attacks, including the one on Tuesday, was claimed on an Internet site by a �Movement of Young Mujahidin.� The development of this wave of attacks coincides with a particularly violent stage of the battle of To justify the intensive bombings of residential neighborhoods in the capital, which have caused more than 1,000 casualties since the end of March, the TFG officials have asserted several times that they are waging the war in Mogadishu against groups connected with the international jihadist movement, regularly confusing the rebels with �members of Al-Qaeda,� as Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi repeated on Monday (23 April). The organization of these attacks shows that terrorist cells are operating within the various factions of the rebel movement, which have taken the name of �mukhawama� (resistance). On Monday, the TFG forces seized large quantities of mines and explosives in a At the same time, two major seizures of weapons and explosives hidden in trucks were carried out at the entrance to Baidoa, the small city where the TFG has established its �second capital.� (Description of Source: Paris Le Monde (Internet Version-WWW) in French -- leading left-of-center daily) � Compiled and distributed by Somali PM Gedi on Assassination Attempt,
Telephone interview with Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi in (Mahmud) Praise be to God for your safety. What happened? (Gedi) Thank you. I was expecting this call because you are always to our side. We praise God that I escaped again (laughing) and it appears that God`s will to protect my life is greater than the will of the villainous terrorists. There was an attempt to assassinate me but I am all right now and was not hurt. (Mahmud) Where were you when the suicide bomber set off the explosives inside the car only steps from your headquarters? (Gedi) At around 0530 (Mahmud) Was everyone all right? (Gedi) Regrettably, seven guards were killed in this operation and when I looked from behind the window I saw the suicide bomber`s limbs. His two feet were burnt and his remains scattered. It was a very sickening scene. (Mahmud) You are the most targeted Somali prime minister for assassination? (Gedi, laughing) Maybe. This is not certainly what I am seeking. My life or personal safety does not concern me as much as the action to rebuild the state that was destroyed by the merciless civil war and to restore Somalia`s regional and Arab position. In the end, I am a Muslim and believe in God`s will. I am well by virtue of God`s grace and I am therefore not afraid of a repetition of this operation. (Mahmud) I heard that your ministers and guards advised you to move to a more secure place immediately? (Gedi) Yes. They asked me this to protect my life. But I refused on the spot because it is quite unacceptable for a handful of terrorists to force me to leave my work place and residence. If I did this, it would have been a message encouraging them. I am staying where I am and this attempt will not frighten me, even if it is repeated 100 times. (Mahmud) Were foreign elements involved in this attempt? (Gedi) Yes, most certainly. The suicide bombing is a new and alien culture in Somali society. This is something definite and known to all those who want to kill me. They collaborated with terrorist groups abroad and used technologies that the Somalis do not know so as to achieve their suspicious objectives. (Mahmud) Do you mean Al-Qaeda organization? (Gedi) Yes, in addition to the Islamic Courts` remnants who do not wish the Somali people well and stability and are insisting on trying to kill me believing that my absence means killing the Somalis` hope and disrupting the transitional government`s plans to achieve national reconciliation and restore law and order in the country after an absence of 16 years, more precisely since the downfall of deposed President Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991. (Mahmud) What do you intend to do against those who tried to kill you again? (Gedi) I am not seeking personal revenge. Our concern at present is to prevent the terrorists from repeating their attempt and we will use all the means available to us to achieve success in this. These people have no place anymore among us and they should be crushed before they succeed in implementing their satanic plan of turning the country into a breeding ground for terrorists from all over the world and a safe haven for all outlaws and violators of international legitimacy. (Mahmud) Have you identified all the parties involved in this attempt? (Gedi) Not yet. The security and intelligence services are continuing their work and collecting masses of information. We will not rest until we bring them to justice and deter them for good. (Mahmud) Did you know about the American forces` military strike against a group of Al-Qaeda elements and Islamic Courts remnants in Puntland region? (Gedi) Of course I knew. There is much cooperation between us. We agreed some time ago to give the American forces the green light to carry out similar operations to hunt down the terrorists and prevent them from getting a foothold in (Description of Source: London Al-Sharq al-Awsat (Internet Version-WWW) in Arabic -- Influential Saudi-owned London daily providing independent coverage of Arab and international issues; editorials reflect official Saudi views on foreign policy. URL: http://www.asharqalawsat.com/) � Compiled and distributed by