Yes, this is the Year This year is the year of decision for SSC people to have the political will to confront the challenges of our country and the political will to overcome it together. Yes, this is the year where SSC people will suddenly know exactly what they need to do with their destiny. Yes, this is the year to celebrate the achievements of the past and look ahead. The future is rosy indeed. It is a positive welcome for 2012, as Taleex conference began to herald the beginning of a new year. WE are into the year of decision. As expected, the ongoing Taleex conference will come up a program of action and articulate a new year resolution. To ask: what is SSC people`s New Year resolution in this 2012? Is it to continue to take the path that leads to disunity, political misrule, occupation, conflict, and oppression etc? Or conversely, would SSC people have change of heart and strive to find peace and unity. This is a hugely defining time for the people of SSC; and therefore, Roobdoon Forum dedicates to the occasion with a few minutes video song to celebrate the achievements of the past and look ahead. The Forum starts the New Year with a tune from the past by singing along to The Three Degrees, the famous 1960s famous female vocal trio. Although the name of the song is �Year of Decision�, the Forum dubs it as �the SSC song�. The song is so infectious and its opening lines go like this: "This is the year to make your decision, yes this is the year to open up your mind..." Yes call it idealism, emotionalism or by any other name, the lyrics of this song, Year of Decision, helped inspire many people during their darkest hours of liberation struggle. The sound and melody can be felt shaking and storming its way into people`s heart. The complete lyrics of the song dedicated to the occasion are as below: Yes As we bid farewell to the year 2011, and welcome the year 2012, Roobdoon Forum takes the opportunity to wish you all Happy New Year and wish you all the best for that 2012 brings. Roobdoon Forum